Recently, I reached out to my Instagram audience to uncover their burning business questions. The response was overwhelming and enlightening. So many are feeling stuck, limited and mired in self doubt. In response, I launched a series called "Wednesday Walk n' Talks" on IG stories, where I offer support and guidance to navigate these challenges.
This week, I'm bringing some of that conversation into our Substack community. Below are a few questions that stood out, and I hope my responses resonate or inspire a little introspection. Let's dive in…
Question 1: How Can I Manage My Time as a Scattered Entrepreneur?
Have you ever felt like the world of time management tips is a one-size-fits-all suit that just doesn't fit? You’re not alone. I've been on a lifelong quest to get my time under control, and let me tell you, it’s been more of a journey than a destination. The truth is, all those systems out there, they often miss a crucial piece of the puzzle—YOU.
Let's get real for a second: if you’re not a morning person, no amount of 'rise and grind' is going to magically turn you into one. And beating yourself up about it? That’s not going to help either. The key to cracking the code of productivity starts with a deep dive into understanding yourself. When are you truly at your best? Is it the quiet of the morning, the buzz of the afternoon, or the peace of the evening?
Take me, for example. I used to dedicate the first hour of my day to hitting the gym, thinking it was the only way to ensure I'd exercise. But then, I noticed something off. My energy and focus for work were dipping. Why? Because I was using my prime productive hours on squats and bicep curls. It hit me—I was investing my best time in the wrong place.
So, I made a switch. I reshuffled my schedule to align with my natural rhythms, and guess what? It was a game-changer. It’s about making your peak hours work for you, not against you.
The moral of the story? Time management isn’t about following someone else’s blueprint; it’s about designing your own. It’s okay to experiment, to shift things around, and most importantly, to listen to what your body and mind are telling you.
So, if you’re trying to wrangle your time into submission, remember this: start by understanding your personal productivity patterns. There's power in knowing yourself. Don’t sacrifice your prime time on tasks that can wait. Prioritize, personalize, and pave your own path to productivity.
Question 2: How do I Overcome Paralysis by Analysis?
Have you ever found yourself trapped in the maze of 'what ifs'? What if it doesn’t work? What if everything goes wrong? Trust me, I’ve been there, and it feels like standing at the edge of a cliff. But let’s flip the script for a second. What if it does work? What if your dreams not only take off but soar?
We often let the fear of failure fill our thoughts, forgetting to give our hopes and dreams the same oxygen. Remember, your thoughts have the power to shape your reality. So, what’s running through your mind on a daily basis? Are you feeding the fears or fueling your ambitions?
Here’s a little nudge from me to you: start giving those positive 'what ifs' the attention they deserve. Instead of imagining all the ways things could go wrong, spend time visualizing the success, the joy, and the fulfillment your dreams can bring. This isn’t just daydreaming; it’s setting the stage for your reality.
And if you’re looking for a way to shift your mindset, I recommend starting small. Every day, challenge one negative 'what if' with a positive counterpart. Write it down, speak it out loud, or share it with a friend. Transforming your thought patterns won’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you'll begin to see a change.
Remember, every journey begins with a belief in the possibility of success. So, let’s breathe life into those positive 'what ifs' and watch as they unfold into reality. I can’t wait to hear about the 'what ifs' you’re transforming into 'what nows'.
Question 3: What are your Tips for Founders without Funding?
Starting your dream business with little to no startup money might sound like trying to climb Everest in flip-flops. But what if I told you that some of the most successful journeys began with just a backpack and a map?
First off, take stock of what you've got. And I'm not just talking about cash. What skills do you possess? Who’s on your speed dial? What resources are at your disposal? Sometimes, the most powerful assets you have are your own determination and creativity. These are your tools. Sharpen them, know them inside out, and consider them your competitive advantage.
Now, let’s talk about bootstrapping. Imagine starting your venture with what’s in your pocket right now, or side-hustling to fund your project. It's about being resourceful, finding cost-effective solutions, and sometimes, getting a bit creative with how you use them. Ever thought about bartering services with other businesses? Your skills in exchange for theirs could be a game-changer.
And here's the cornerstone: the MVP, or Minimum Viable Product. This isn’t about making it perfect. It’s about making it happen. Create the simplest version of your product that allows you to launch. This is your foot in the door, your chance to gather real feedback and build from there.
The goal isn’t to start big; it’s to start smart. To all the founders out there running on dreams and determination, get back to basics, embrace your resources, and take that first step.
Remember, entrepreneurship is as much about self-discovery as it is about business success. Each question you ask, each challenge you face, is a step towards understanding what works best for you—and that's invaluable.
Until next time…keep the questions coming! And, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Minimum Viable Product is the new MVP! Great idea, Candace.
"Give those positive what if's more attention," is super important! Loved this post.