Woohoo!!! Sweet Success is available NOW!!!
Have you started reading yet?! Are you taking notes? I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
It’s a big day for me, but I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for reading my story, for buying my book, and for all your support. I am truly grateful.
And catch me for a talk and book signing in Chicago tomorrow Thursday 11/10 and at Goop NYC on Friday 11/11 3-6! Hope to meet you there!
Happy Reading! 😘
P.S. Tag me at @candacenelson if you’re reading! 📖 🐛
P.P.S. Amazing giveaways are still happening daily on my IG for those who have preordered or ordered my book!
Congrats on the book! The Goop RSVP doesn't work.